
The Actor model is an old concept introduced by Carl Hewitt in 1973, but it only really has become popular with the Erlang language, as well as the Akka framework. In this model, the term for a light-weight process with internal state is “an actor”, though we will stick to calling the equivalents in Kompact a “component” to avoid having two names for the same thing.

Messages and References

Actors communicate via messages, which really are the same things as events, except they are addressed to a particular actor. This addressing is done via a concept called actor reference, which is a shareable datastruct that identifies an actor in a way that messages can be sent directly to it. In Erlang this is implemented as a “pid”, while in actor there is a class ActorRef. Kompact also has a struct called ActorRef, which fulfills the same purpose on a local Kompact system. However, as we will discuss later in more details, Kompact explicitly differentiates possible remote actors at the type level. References to them are instances of ActorPath instead of ActorRef.

In Kompact, actors are statically typed with respect to the messages they can receive. That is, whenever you are implementing the Actor trait in Kompact for a component, you must specify a concrete Message type (as an associated type). Consequently, references to actors are also typed, so senders can only send valid messages to an actor. Thus a Kompact component which implements Actor with type Message = M; for some type M is referenced locally by an ActorRef<M>. The same is not true for ActorPath, as it is generally not possible to control what things are sent over a network, and so networked actors may have to deal with a wider range of possible incoming messages.

Actors and Components

In Kompact every component is an actor and vice versa. Both the Actor (actually ActorRaw) and the ComponentDefinition trait need to be implemented in either case. But as we saw in the “Hello World”-example, the Actor trait can simply be derived when it’s not used by a component:

use kompact::prelude::*;

#[derive(ComponentDefinition, Actor)]
struct HelloWorldComponent {
    ctx: ComponentContext<Self>,
impl HelloWorldComponent {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        HelloWorldComponent {
            ctx: ComponentContext::uninitialised(),
impl ComponentLifecycle for HelloWorldComponent {
    fn on_start(&mut self) -> Handled {
        info!(self.log(), "Hello World!");

pub fn main() {
    let system = KompactConfig::default().build().expect("system");
    let component = system.create(HelloWorldComponent::new);

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_helloworld() {

The derived code will produce an actor implementation with type Message = Never;, indicating that no local messages can be sent to it. However, network messages still can, but will simply be discarded. This avoids a common issue encountered in Erlang, where unhandled messages keep queuing up on ports forever.

If, say, we wanted to implement an actor variant of the “Hello World”-example, we could do so by implementing the Actor trait ourselves with some trivial type (e.g., the unit type ()), as in:

use kompact::prelude::*;
use std::sync::Arc;

struct HelloWorldActor {
    ctx: ComponentContext<Self>,
impl HelloWorldActor {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        HelloWorldActor {
            ctx: ComponentContext::uninitialised(),

impl Actor for HelloWorldActor {
    type Message = ();

    fn receive_local(&mut self, _msg: Self::Message) -> Handled {
        info!(self.ctx.log(), "Hello World!");

    fn receive_network(&mut self, _msg: NetMessage) -> Handled {
        unimplemented!("We are ignoring network messages for now.");
pub fn main() {
    let system = KompactConfig::default().build().expect("system");
    let actor: Arc<Component<HelloWorldActor>> = system.create(HelloWorldActor::new);
    let actor_ref: ActorRef<()> = actor.actor_ref();
    actor_ref.tell(()); // send a unit type message to our actor
mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_actor_helloworld() {

Of course, a unit message is not going to be produced by the Kompact runtime as a lifecycle event, so we must send it to our component after creating it, using the tell(...) function:

use kompact::prelude::*;
use std::sync::Arc;

struct HelloWorldActor {
    ctx: ComponentContext<Self>,
impl HelloWorldActor {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        HelloWorldActor {
            ctx: ComponentContext::uninitialised(),

impl Actor for HelloWorldActor {
    type Message = ();

    fn receive_local(&mut self, _msg: Self::Message) -> Handled {
        info!(self.ctx.log(), "Hello World!");

    fn receive_network(&mut self, _msg: NetMessage) -> Handled {
        unimplemented!("We are ignoring network messages for now.");
pub fn main() {
    let system = KompactConfig::default().build().expect("system");
    let actor: Arc<Component<HelloWorldActor>> = system.create(HelloWorldActor::new);
    let actor_ref: ActorRef<()> = actor.actor_ref();
    actor_ref.tell(()); // send a unit type message to our actor
mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_actor_helloworld() {

Just to point out some of the particularities described above, we have annotated some types in the previous example. You can see that our HelloWorldActor is still created as an Arc<Component<HelloWorldActor>>, and also that the actor reference it produces is appropriately typed as ActorRef<()>.

Note: As before, if you have checked out the examples folder you can run the concrete binary with:

cargo run --release --bin actor_helloworld